Sunday, November 25, 2007

cold weather and the english language

We have officially entered the cold season here in Chad. I have put on a sweater at least 3 times this week. I’m not sure how cold it gets in the evening but I do know that with no hot water heater the shower takes your breath away. You don’t have to worry about anyone taking a long shower- just maybe showering at all. Yes, I shower everyday. I have also gone from sleeping under a sheet to a sheet and a blanket and I close all the windows.

I’m not sure how many of you remember learning the English language but I have learned in the last two weeks that it is ridiculous. Much credit to grade 1 teachers everywhere! Eroni is really learning to read well sometimes English just tricks you. Ou doesn’t always make an ow sound you know and why use a c when you could use a k or s? Is the letter c really necessary? That is what I questioned this week. I also realized that I am once again very grateful for taking a Science degree and not an English one although it would’ve helped me teach Isaac predicate nouns this week. Does anyone really care what a predicate noun is?

Anyways, I’m sure none of that interests anyone. I would love your prayers this week as I try to be creative in teaching some of the extra courses I’m doing with the kids like Music and French. I am also going to take up a sort of “survival Arabic course.” It will be very useful as I interact with locals. Of course my French is still coming along so maybe I should take it one language at a time!

Your prayers and encouragement through email and snail mail (my first letter arrived from Canada this week) have truly been a blessing. God bless you all.

Bombers biggest African fan!

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